
An Invitation to an Amazing Oaxacan Adventure

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Find Out What Mark Bittman Has to Say about Food & Oaxaca

No trip to Mexico is complete without one (or many) trips to the's some photos from a market tour I took with chef Pilar Cabrera at the small city market of La Merced in Oaxaca City.....

 Here's Pilar drinking the refreshing pre-hispanic drink tehuate (spelling all wrong I'm sure, I'm just going from how it's pronounced)  made from cacao, corn, and an unidentified white's all about hand blending it into a froth that takes on an almost marshmallow consistency.  I have never seen it served in anything except this brightly painted red bowl with a blue band from Guerrero.

Another frequently seen Oaxacan market sight  is the molino.....the guy with the a woman has brought him a pail of cooked beans and he's grinding it into a liquid that she will use for soup. I imagine very much like the soup I had at Pilar's restuarant.  They brought me a bowl of cheese and avocado and tortilla strips and then poured hot beans over it.....It was delicious.  I believe creativity and art making take a lot of physical energy and so we must stay well nourished on the trip.  That won't be hard in Oaxaca.  But I digress because I originally wanted to tell you that  New York Times writer Mark Bittman took a tour very much like the one I did,  and the one we will be doing.  Click here to read what he had to's a fun article with lots of great links and should get you excited about going to Oaxaca if you are any sort of a foodie.

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